
We build JavaScript applications

Mobile AJAX - Slides and Explanations

I was asked a couple of times to post the slides from my presentations (1, 2) about Mobile AJAX, so here they are.

Since I think it can be quite difficult to get valuable information out of these slides without further explanation, I want to use this chance to write a little more about the whole topic from my perspective. I see the topic being discussed in the internet everyday - obviously always from a little different angle, I also see that in some cases the term “Mobile AJAX” is used quite inflationary.

So I created a page about Mobile AJAX, on one hand because I feel the topic is too big for one post in the blog, on the other hand because it is “sticky” on the page and I can keep on editing it there.
Here’s my own opinion on the topic and the current status of my insights into Mobile AJAX. Since I am the developer here at PavingWays and since I have a strong web development background, I will accordingly focus more on the technical side than on business-related areas. I also feel that there is way too few information about the technical side of the whole topic around, so maybe my two cents will even help someone understanding what this mysterious ”Mobile AJAX” is all about.

Check out the page here.
