- What is Mobile Ajax?
- Is there a Mobile Ajax checklist/minimum requirements?
- What does Mobile Ajax look like?
- Why should one do Ajax on mobile phones / what problem does it solve?
- What are the options to Mobile Ajax?
- How do Flash Lite and Java compare with Mobile Ajax?
- What is the difference between Ajax Platforms, Frameworks, Toolkits and Libraries?
- What existing Mobile Ajax frameworks, toolkits and libraries should I use?
- Can I use existing frameworks, libraries and toolkits?
- What is the relationship between Mobile Ajax and Mobile Widgets?
- Which browsers support Mobile Ajax?
- Which enterprise applications employ Mobile Ajax?
- What is the role of the Apple iPhone with respect to Mobile Ajax?
- How do applications like mojax or bling software fit in?
- How can you develop for and test on all those browsers?
- What are the (current) hurdles in implementing and running Mobile Ajax applications?
- What is AHAH / AJAH?
- Is there any standardization initiative for Ajax?
Mobile Ajax FAQ
The Mobile Ajax FAQ is created by Ajit Jaokar, Rocco Georgi and Bryan Rieger and is maintained at the Horizon Channel. We welcome comments and feedback at ajit.jaokar at futuretext.com.This post has been moved to a page on PavingWays - the following questions link directly there.