
3jam lands an amazing deal with Virgin Mobile
Last week 3jam and Virgin Mobile announced their partnership....

A Happy New Year and Website
We just wanted to take the opportunity of the beginning new year to wis...

A Little IE Mobile Forms POST finding
While working on a couple of things we realized strange behavior in IE ...

Adobe AIR goes mobile & joins LiMo
At Mobile World Congress 2010, Adobe announced today that it will bring...

AjaxWorld in Santa Clara 09/24/07
Last week I received an invitation for the ”AJAXWorld Conference & ...

Apple unveils iPhone - Safari on a mobile phone!
Today Steve Jobs unveiled the long-anticipated iPhone to the public. We...

Apple Launches Volume Purchasing for Business Customers
Apple has announced that it allows businesses to purchase apps in volum...

Apple sells more iPhones than RIM Blackberrys
In its fiscal fourth quarter, ended Sept. 27, Apple sold 6.9 million iP...

Apple startet B2B App Store in den USA
Mit seinem Volume Purchase Program bietet Apple Geschäftskunden di...

Article on
I recently wrote an article for about Mobile Ajax and how...

(at)media conference 2006 summary - day 1
The PavingWays team was in London from June 15th to 16th to a...

(at)media conference 2006 summary - day 2
This is continued from the post about day 1. P...

Attend 3 Exciting Mobile Events on 1 Day!
Mark the date: 15. November 2010 ! This Monday will be pa...

Attending Nokia Developer Summit 2009
We’ll be going to Monaco by the end of April to attend the Nokia Deve...

BarCampBlock in Palo Alto
On August, 18, we attended the BarCampBlock . Although it was almos...

BlackBerry Browser Can Accesses GPS Location
We’ve been monitoring the mobile browser market pretty closely during t...

Bloggertreffen at Hofbräukeller in Munich
Yesterday we went to the Bloggertreffen in Munich which was loosely rel...

BOLT mobile browser to include widgets
Bitstream, the company behind the popular BOLT mobile browser , has...

Books I recommend
The last couple of days we spent some time at Borders, a great bookstor...

CeBIT - new mobile (flat-)rates
There are some interesting news from the CeBIT in Hannover, Germany (15...

Cheap Mobile Web for Prepaid-Users in Germany
As of February 1st there have been massive price drops amongst some of ...

China Mobile - World's Largest Operator
Today I read an interesting post on China Mobile has ou...

Chrome Extension with 1500 installs
Jesse and I took part in Germany’s GTUG Chrome Extension Battle back in...

Coworking in San Francisco
Earlier this week we started working from the Citizen Space offices. It...

d.construct 2006 has started
Jeff Barr of Amazon has just finished his talk about all the APIs and w...

Debugging Ajax on Windows Mobile
I just found an interesting article about Ajax development for Windows ...

Detecting Mobile Browsers - Mobile Internet Explorer
A little while ago Team IEMobile posted an interesting article on the...

dotMobi Switch On! Web Browsing Guides
Following our post about the dotMobi TLD, here are the rules of the dot...

.mobi (dotMobi) - top level domain for mobile devices
“Last year, 56 per cent of multimedia phone owners used it to browse th...

Frost mentioned in c't magazine
As I was reading an older issue (#7 in 2008 from 17.03.2008, current on...

Yesterday we attended the geekSessions at City Club in downtown Sa...

Google Android Developer Day Munich
I totally forgot blogging about that and more or less for completeness ...

Google heading into Japan's mobile market
Last week, NTT DoCoMo , Japan’s biggest mobile phone carrier with n...

Great Mobile Events Coming Up ...
There are some great mobile related events coming up in the next months...

Guy Kawasaki at BayCHI
Last Tuesday we went to a BayCHI meeting in Palo Alto to hear Guy Kawas...

Happy (belated) New Year!
In the first post this year we wish all of you a happy and successful y...

Happy Easter!

Hello World!
This is the new home of PavingWays - please stay tuned for new con...

Here we go
So, what is PavingWays? Frankly we’re not quite sure yet, but here’s a ...

Hot Mobile News from Last Week(s)
Not the latest, but still some quite interesting news: Apple ...

Hot Mobile News this week
- Mobile TV via DVB-H will start in Germany on June 1, 2008 -...

Hot Mobile News this week
- Vodafone sued T-Mobile in Germany over its exclusive contract with A...

HTML5 Meetup October Recap
Mostly out of completeness reasons here is a little recap of our Octobe...

HTML5/CSS3 Meetup April Recap (updated)
It has been a few days ago, but I still wanted to provide a little reca...

HTML5/CSS3 Meetup June Recap
Our June meetup for HTML5/CSS hackers was a hot one! We had around ...

HTML5/CSS3 Meetup March Recap
We have been planning to organize a local meetup group around the topic...

Huge deal between Nokia and Facebook?
According to Nokia is in talks with Facebook about a ...

IIR/Sept. Mobile Monday Munich
This week I attended another Mobile Monday, the venue was provided by I...

Interesting Mobile News - Nokia, Ericsson, T-Mobile, AOL etc.
T-Mobile criticized Nokia’s strategy T-Mobile ain’t very happy w...

Interesting (Mobile) News
- YouTube revised their mobile website Now, there i...

Updated - iPhone 4 Gets NO Dashboard Widgets!?
Update: now that Steve Jobs’ keynote is over we can confirm that our ho...

JavaScript User Group Frankfurt
March 28th will see the 2nd JavaScript User Group meeting in Frankfurt ...

Leveling the Mobile Playing Field - Mobile Startups & Microsoft - Motorola - Verizon
On Friday, November 17th, we were at the Microsoft campus in ...

Lunch 2.0 at FamilyOven 09/25/2007
Hot, hot, hot up on the roof of the FamilyOven HQ on Jackson St. just o...

MapQuest Mobile - Top Mobile Application in US
According to Telephia MapQuest Mobile (21.9 %) was the top revenue...

Meeting Jajah / Web 2.0 and Poland
This post is a little late, but busy as we are I couldn’t make it earli...

MissionFuture - Emergency Session 4
Last wednesday evening we again attended the MissionFuture: Emergency...

MissionFuture - Emergency Session
Last Wednesday evening we attended the MissionFuture Emergency Sessio...

MMM - Mobile Monday - Munich
There was another MMM (Mobile Monday in Munich) today. We missed all th...

.mobi time frame
Our hosting company (Schlund) informed us about the .mobi time fr...

Mobile AJAX application to test and demo
In my presentation at the XML 2006 conference in Boston I tried to show...

Mobile Ajax FAQ
The Mobile Ajax FAQ is created by Ajit Jaokar, Rocco Georgi and Bryan R...

Mobile Ajax post answered
We are constantly monitoring the web for blog posts about Mob...

Mobile AJAX - Slides and Explanations
I was asked a couple of times to post the slides from my presentations ...

Mobile Ajax Wokshop Mountain View 09/28/2007
I was attending the Mobile Ajax Workshop at the Microsoft Campus in Mou...

Mobile Ajax Workshop in Mountain View
After submitting a position paper, today I got my invite to the Mobile ...

Mobile Applications hit Cars
At the IAA in Frankfurt (Frankfurt Motor Show) in September 2009 BMW, N...

Mobile Applications on TVs now and tomorrow and the day after
After mobile phones and cars we now will be able to access our mobile a...

Mobile Apps Becoming as Big as the Internet?
Yesterday, I came across a very interesting article about the mobile ap...

Mobile Apps Building and Deployments at jsugfra[1]
This Monday we held the second iteration of our JavaScript User Group h...

Mobile Devices Market & Mobile Messaging Adaption
1. Mobile Devices Market Share: ABI Research rele...

Mobile-generated content
The latest research from Telephia shows that around 4 % of U.K. mobile...

Mobile Internet SIG - Mobile User Experience
Last week we attended the monthly held Mobile Internet SIG: Mobile Us...

Mobile Monday (at) AOL, Mountain View
Last Monday we’ve been to the Mobile Monday at the AOL building in...

Mobile Monday Frankfurt - Mobile Internet and Applications
Yesterday we attended the Mobile Monday in Frankfurt. The topic was M...

Mobile Monday (at) Nokia - Mobile Social Software
Last Monday it was time for another Mobile Monday in the Silicon Valley...

Mobile Social Networks Are Growing
I found an very interesting article about mobile social networks on ma...

Mobile Unconference coming to Germany
As you might have seen we collect and blog about many different event...

Mobile Unconference Rotterdam - Recap
Last Friday we attended the Mobile Unconference in Rotterdam. The topic...

UPDATE - Mobile Unconference & Some Other Events
Tomorrow we will attend the Mobile Unconference in Rotterdam. We are re...

Mobile 2.0 Event review
We kicked off our stay in San Francisco and the Silicon Valley with the...

More mobile phones than residents
The number of mobile phone subscriptions in Germany has increased: For ...

More MWC News - Symbian, Nokia, Ericsson ...
Instead of a lengthy blog post here is just a wrap-up of quit...

MWC News - Google's strategy and Android, Windows Marketplace ...
Some more interesting news announced at the Mobile Word Congress: ...

Networking in Palo Alto
Yesterday we had quite a busy networking day. At lunch we met Alec from...

New Year, New Blog
Happy 2014 and welcome to our new blog!It has been ver...

Node.js is Important. An Introduction
Once in a while you come across a new technology and are just blown awa...

Nokia acquires Trolltech for $153 Million
Nokia acquires the Norwegian company Trolltech for $153 Million (€104 ...

Nokia Developer Summit 2009 Wrap up - Day 1
On Tuesday the Nokia Developer Summit started. The conference was ...

Hands-On Nokia WRT Development with Aptana
Back in April we were invited to participate in the Nokia WRT Widget Ha...

O2 and Vodafone launch mpass
O2 and Vodafone have launched their new payment service ”mpass” in Germ...

O2 and Vodafone starting new payment system
O2 and Vodafone are launching a new billing service in German...

Opera releases State of the Mobile Web
Recently, Opera released its interesting and insightful “State of the...

Our New Website is Online
Our new website is now up and running. The new site contains more detai...

Over The Air Event Reflections
When hundreds of bean bags, big and small Daleks, The Beatles Rockband,...

Ovi Store Publishing - First Insights
We have been eagerly awaiting download stats for Panda Route, our trave...

Panel Discussion at Frankfurt Book Fair 2009
I have been invited by the organizers of the Frankfurt Book Fair for a ...

PavingWays mentioned in Nokia's press release
The ads for Nokia’s N97 have started to appear and in Germany as it wil...

PhoneGap Meetup
Vergangenen Mittwoch hatten wir nun unser zweites PhoneGap und HTML5 Me...

UPDATE - PhoneGap/HTML5 Meetup
UPDATE: We will meet on Thursday (05/26) at 7 pm atAffe...

UPDATE - PhoneGap/HTML5 Meetup
UPDATE: Wir treffen uns am Do, den 26. Mai um 19:00 Uhr in de...

PhoneGap/HTML5 Meetup
Unser 2. Phonegap/HTML5 Meetup findet am 10. August im Café Sterns...

Pocket Web from 1&1 - first (affordable) Mobile Flatrate in Germany
Today we received an interesting newsletter from 1&1 Internet AG, a Ger...

Presenting Groupile at the FMC Summit in Munich
We were invited to speak at this year’s FMC Summit on rather short noti...

QR-Codes als Marketinginstrument
Eine Studie von 3GVision zeigt, dass die Nutzung von mobilen Barcodes w...

QR-Codes As Marketing Tool
I came across an interesting report from 3GVision, the creator of the i...

Recap MobileMonday Tokyo - All About Location
We attended MobileMonday in Tokyo, Japan. The eve...

Recap of a Successful Mobile Unconference
Almost two weeks ago the Mobile Unconference took place at Gr...

Review Browsergames Forum 2009 in Frankfurt
Last week we attended the Browsergames Forum 2009 in Frankfurt. This fo...

Review Mobile Internet Conference in Berlin
Last week we attended the Mobile Internet Conference in Berlin. As alre...

Review - ONSPEED Mobile browser
Last month I was sitting in the tube in London and saw an ad about ONSP...

Review - - Personal Mobile Homepage
There are many new mobile services appearing on the web almost everyday...

RIM, LG, Sharp & Samsung Join JIL for Global Widget Platform
Handset makers Research in Motion (RIM), LG Electronics, Sharp and Sams...

San Francisco and Frost - a quick heads-up
It has been a busy month and our last post was already a long while ago...

SD Forum 09/06/2007
Last Thursday there was another Mobile Internet SIG event organized by ...

See You at d.Construct 2006
d.Construct 2006 is a one-day web conference in Brighton, England, on t...

Server Down, Mails Bounce
Just a quick note to anybody who wants to reach our email addresses at ...

SF New Tech September Meetup 09/05/2007
Last Wednesday evening we headed over to Fat City on ...

Smart Phone Sales up 30 % in Q4, 2009
Some interesting stats about smart phone sales...Worldwide sales o...

Some interesting (mobile) events coming up
There are some interesting events coming up: Bloggertreffen...

Speaking at Over The Air, London, Sept. 25-26
We are really looking forward to our next trip to London. This week is ...

State of the Mobile Web 2009 - Mobile Web is booming in developing countries
Recently, Opera released its new “State of the Mobile Web 2009” re...

Successful at Nokia Hackathon in Monaco
We were invited by Nokia to attend their Hackathon Widget coding contes...

Technical Review for Apress Book
I have been asked to do part of the technical review of a new boo...

Tetris - most downloaded mobile game in the UK
I found an interesting list of the most downloaded mobile games in the ...

Almighty Wholesale Applications Community?
At MWC a number of the world’s leading telco companies including Vodafo...

The Market for Mobile Services - Status Quo
What is the current level of usage and consumer interest for data ser...

The Mobile Internet Has Arrived
During February 16-19, Barcelona again has become the “capital” for the...

The new meaning of social networking sites
In recent years online social networks have experienced huge growth. Ty...

Time for an Anti-Social Network?!
If you can’t hear words like “Facebook”, “social”, “networking”, “frien...

Unser Blog ist nun auch in deutsch verfügbar
Dies ist der erste deutsche Blog-Post ... und eigentlich nur ein Test ;...

Upcoming Mobile Events in 2009
There are some interesting events coming up: Mobile Monday ...

Upcoming Mobile Events
Here is a short list about some upcoming events in the mobile...

Web 2point2 Event review
Last Thurdsday we attended an interesting “unconference” in San Francis...

Webmontag Frankfurt
Yesterday we went to the Webmontag in Frankfurt. It took off ...

Webmontag in Munich
Yesterday we attended the Webmontag at Optaros in Munich. Nice people, ...

Webmontag Live-Blogging
I am at the Brotfabrik in Frankfurt am Main right now attending the Web...

Wholesale Applications Community (WAC) goes live
Back at 2010’s MWC a number of leading telco companies announced the fo...

Application and Widget Development Competitions
As you can see in our Widget and App Store Wiki, a lot of phone manu...

Your Life Is Your Work of Art
A couple of days ago I went to Borders and while wandering through the ...