News und Insights

New Year, New Blog
Happy 2014 and welcome to our new blog!It has been ver...

PhoneGap Meetup
Vergangenen Mittwoch hatten wir nun unser zweites PhoneGap und HTML5 Me...

PhoneGap/HTML5 Meetup
Unser 2. Phonegap/HTML5 Meetup findet am 10. August im Café Sterns...

Apple Launches Volume Purchasing for Business Customers
Apple has announced that it allows businesses to purchase apps in volum...

Apple startet B2B App Store in den USA
Mit seinem Volume Purchase Program bietet Apple Geschäftskunden di...

QR-Codes als Marketinginstrument
Eine Studie von 3GVision zeigt, dass die Nutzung von mobilen Barcodes w...

QR-Codes As Marketing Tool
I came across an interesting report from 3GVision, the creator of the i...

UPDATE - PhoneGap/HTML5 Meetup
UPDATE: We will meet on Thursday (05/26) at 7 pm atAffe...

UPDATE - PhoneGap/HTML5 Meetup
UPDATE: Wir treffen uns am Do, den 26. Mai um 19:00 Uhr in de...

Unser Blog ist nun auch in deutsch verfügbar
Dies ist der erste deutsche Blog-Post ... und eigentlich nur ein Test ;...

Mobile Apps Building and Deployments at jsugfra[1]
This Monday we held the second iteration of our JavaScript User Group h...

JavaScript User Group Frankfurt
March 28th will see the 2nd JavaScript User Group meeting in Frankfurt ...

Wholesale Applications Community (WAC) goes live
Back at 2010’s MWC a number of leading telco companies announced the fo...

Our New Website is Online
Our new website is now up and running. The new site contains more detai...

Great Mobile Events Coming Up ...
There are some great mobile related events coming up in the next months...

Recap of a Successful Mobile Unconference
Almost two weeks ago the Mobile Unconference took place at Gr...

Attend 3 Exciting Mobile Events on 1 Day!
Mark the date: 15. November 2010 ! This Monday will be pa...

Recap MobileMonday Tokyo - All About Location
We attended MobileMonday in Tokyo, Japan. The eve...

HTML5 Meetup October Recap
Mostly out of completeness reasons here is a little recap of our Octobe...

Mobile Unconference coming to Germany
As you might have seen we collect and blog about many different event...

HTML5/CSS3 Meetup June Recap
Our June meetup for HTML5/CSS hackers was a hot one! We had around ...

Updated - iPhone 4 Gets NO Dashboard Widgets!?
Update: now that Steve Jobs’ keynote is over we can confirm that our ho...

Chrome Extension with 1500 installs
Jesse and I took part in Germany’s GTUG Chrome Extension Battle back in...

Mobile Unconference Rotterdam - Recap
Last Friday we attended the Mobile Unconference in Rotterdam. The topic...

UPDATE - Mobile Unconference & Some Other Events
Tomorrow we will attend the Mobile Unconference in Rotterdam. We are re...
Let's talk!
You pick the date!Book an online-meeting that suits you. We'll talk about your app project or your questions about app development in general without any obligations.
... or call us directly: +41 76 831 58 37